Real. What’s real? What’s heard,
Calibration. Decisions alter the future. Choices
Global think. Rapidly. Injected hearts and
Swamp. Day one. Tick-tock. The clock starts
Connection. Biology. Born of, connected to.
Menticide. Global descent. Puppet masters. 1984. Chaos
Thought. Realm of ideas. Infinite realm
Madness. Battling narratives. War of ideas,
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Stoic machine. Arrival. Emotionless. Whirls and
Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
End Game. Process. Mechanism of creation. Evolution.
Dreamworld. Justify. Being. Just being.
Remnant. What’s left behind. Bits of bone.
Virtual place. Existence. Universal base state. Hidden