Capabilities. Reflection. What level? How deep? How complex?
There was a time when people were
Levels. Reality. How many? How deep?
Sirens song. Fleeting. Power. Flush of power
All. All human endeavor. Millions of years
It’s time to fly, soar above. Let
Quantum stew. Bubbles. Bubbles manifesting.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Contrivance. Human history beliefs, contrived.
Beautiful Rosie. Ten years to the day.
Long ago. Riding in the car, back seat.
Foam. Endless. Undulating sea of quantum
Language. Creation speaks. Vibrations primordial,
Programmers Brew. Coded. Programmed in from the
Master’s will. Penetrating. Molding. Shaping each will.