All. All human endeavor. Millions of years
Field. Frequency. Vibrations. Field of possibilities.
Arrival. Deities. Imagined. Minds of mortals
Grumpy Old Men. Always wondered. Grumpy old men. Where
Dogma. Minds shackled. Fixed. Trained
Voices. All voices. Etched in time. All who’ve
Interesting times. Ahead. Humanity on the
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.
Cloud wars. Narratives. War of words.
Invasion. Connectivity. Bits. Bytes. Qubits.
Void. In the void. Humanity sprung.
Mind, rises above. Above the material,
Processing. Input. Data, information consumption.
Falling. Curious. Everyone sees. Circling
War. Technological war on humanity has begun.