Bright sunny day. There’s a time, in each
Emotionless. Future speak. Language reflecting.
Antidote. Technology overwhelming. Quicksand. Sucking in,
Subtly. Coursing through clouds. Worming
Enlightenment. Emergence from darkness to light. Continuous
Time machine. Creation. Different paths,
Interesting times. Ahead. Humanity on the
Innocence. Invasion. They came. Spreading.
Flowing. Waves of energy, information. Flowing
Instantly. All at once. Collective. Variations.
Emergence. Intelligence emergence. Rising from the
Thought stream. Rivulets coursing through.
Continuum. Flow. Flow of knowledge. Small
Unraveling. As things were, fading away. Future.
Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily