Terrarium world. Where all arose. A tiny
Dreamworld. Justify. Being. Just being.
Flowing souls. Incoming. Passing through. Splashing,
Size. How big? How dense? What can be known?
Owned. Unaware. Information! Information flowing.
Comprehension. Understood. Capacity to know. Limited.
Ideology. Global. Countless Ideologues. Difference.
Invasion. Slow motion invasion. Unseen. Unnoticed.
Rituals. Ancient. Performance. Holding ancients
Valley of the dark. From one rim
Social transformation. Imperceptible. Subtle. Slowly
What now? Where to now? Place in time. Now.
Stories. So many stories. Down trough
Peaceful. Tune out. Turn off.
Amalgamation. You. Parallels. Gossamer sheets