Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
Possible. What’s possible? Does anyone
Tech magnification. Contorted logic. Agency
Flawed creator. Humanity’s creator beyond
Frightful. Reality is a frightful place.
Hive. Hive mind. Group think.
Never ending. Time. Space. Endless. Worlds
Digital aether. Created, man made. Zeros
Watchers. They watch. From on high. From a
Become. What? What we become. Past
Beliefs. Human beliefs. Restrained. Developed
Altered. Believe. What will be believed?
Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Believing. What’s seen. What’s told. What’s taught. Accepting
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable