God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Input. Must have input. Screen stares.
Flowing souls. Incoming. Passing through. Splashing,
Clouds of ignorance. Mind shielding. Machine
Day by day. The story’s written. Pages
Sea of uncertainty. Quantum verse. All options,
Nextworld. What’s to come. Evolution fast tracked.
Nature of things. Exponential growth. Artificial
Cusp. Humanity on the cusp. Evolution.
Contrivance. Human history beliefs, contrived.
Glass darkly. Reflections. Perceptions of creation.
Flowing. Waves of energy, information. Flowing
Dark sky. Foreboding shadows. Horizon
Culmination. All just culmination. Modernity. Reflection.
Preordained. Predetermined. How much is me? Twice