Segments. Slices. Slices of time. Worlds
Unraveling. As things were, fading away. Future.
Hive. Hive mind. Group think.
Illusion of being. What appears is not. Eyes open
Believing. What’s seen. What’s told. What’s taught. Accepting
Stardust. Vastness of being. Beyond comprehension.
Lotus. Unfolding flower. Unfolding realms.
Gnarly little things. Narratives. Thoughts. Virus like.
Tribal. Unraveling. Loosening connections. Severing
Vessel. Empty. Devoid of knowledge. No opinions.
Quantum vibrations. Information, energy transfer.
Medium. Movie like. Life. Eyes forward.
Absorption. Humanity absorbed. Slowly. Unsuspectingly.
Programmers Brew. Coded. Programmed in from the
Synergy. Interactions. Touches. Cross currents. Stuff of