Creation. Designed. Designed by genesis.
Flows. Equilibrium. Energy. Negative. Positive.
Self centered. Self impressed. Humanity.
Master’s will. Penetrating. Molding. Shaping each will.
Tweeners. Current state of things. Still ruled
Evaporation. The future evaporates with every
Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
Foam. Endless. Undulating sea of quantum
Strangeness. Look. Look around. What the hell. What’s
Reality. Whose reality? Perspective, observation.
Alone. Choices made. Reflections of what
Mirrors. Staring back. Seeing. Room
Introspection. Situation analysis. I think therefore.....
Conversion. Pivot point. Transformation. Instantaneous.
Tea cup. Philosophy in a cup of tea.