Passage. From nothing to something. Everything.
Endless existences, separate and apart. Soul,
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Afraid. Humanity’s afraid. Afraid of itself.
Coursing. Coursing through existence. Eyes open,
Wisdom. What price? What price must be paid?
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Shimmer. Spinning. Mixing. Revolving time.
Destination. Ultimate. Myriad possible. Future.
God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Absorption. Humanity absorbed. Slowly. Unsuspectingly.
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Believing. What’s seen. What’s told. What’s taught. Accepting
Forms. Platonic forms. A world apart.
Eternity’s pool. Peering into probability. Seeing all that