Story. Every day the story is written. Page after
Human Nature. Theme. Writers intent. Look around.
Humanity’s gods. What did they do?
Chapters. Nature of things. System. Boundless,
Spooky. Existence, a crazy place. Crazy
Eyes open. There it is! Stage unfolds.
Past. Slips away. Fades to memories.
Never ending. Time. Space. Endless. Worlds
Programmable. Mind permeating control. Constant
0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016
Confined. Wrapped in a bubble. Bubble of limitations.
Vortices. Life. Existence. Energy vortex.
Fabric. Spacetime. Fabric of creation. Unifying
Paradise. Eternal souls, reality. Never
Alone within. Wandering a vast inner sanctum.