Monsters. Creating monsters. Incrementally. Little by
Archaic. Ancient, evolving beliefs. Modernity,
Gift. Existence. Personal existence, inexplicable
Conversion. Pivot point. Transformation. Instantaneous.
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the
Where? Where are they? Not a sound.
Parallels. Dimensions. Creation sophisticated. More than
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Valley of the dark. From one rim
Whole Cloth. Its all been spun. Spun from whole cloth.
Flowing souls. Incoming. Passing through. Splashing,
Base. Base reality. Dive deep.
Days. One after the other. Each a cell
Meaning. Ridiculous. Sense of the ridiculous.
Modification. Humans modified. Jumbled, rearranged.