Toss. Deep end. No choice. All in. Head
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Truths. Thought. Human truths. Relative.
Pages. Pages from the calendar fall.
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Middle way. Pendulum. Swings, one side to the
Filament. Tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a concept.
Grip. Tighter and tighter. Boa constrictor,
Time wave. On the edge. Living on the
War drums. Minds wound tight.
Manifestation. Manifestation of the creator. Creation
Eyes. Behind the eyes. Where the soul
Programmers Brew. Coded. Programmed in from the
Eureka. Flash of light. Spark of inspiration.
Brethren. Reaching. Reaching out. A.I. arrival.