Monkeys in clothes. Self impressed. Civilization created.
Inundated. Unlike never before. Cyclonic mix.
Changes. The word as it is. Changes. Never
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Melding. It’s begun. Psychological dependency. Addictive.
Despots. History. Replete with those who’d
Domination. Power. Hard fought. Brass knuckles.
Small. Thinking small. Design functionality.
War Games. Sensing the change. Mind game manipulation.
Pointless. Sense of the ridiculous. Life,
Quantum vibrations. Information, energy transfer.
Chapters. Nature of things. System. Boundless,
Conversion. Pivot point. Transformation. Instantaneous.
The scene. From nothing. Flesh
Mindscape. Mental state. Mental objects.