Old timer. Reflecting. History, experience. Around
Rinse and repeat. In the beginning the programs
Flow. Energy. Waves of energy. Cosmic
Octopus. Growing. Spreading. Tentacles expanding.
Collisions. Cyberspace. Ideas, concepts colliding. Fertilizing.
Tech. Decades in gestation. Out of view.
Beliefs. Human beliefs. Restrained. Developed
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Manipulation. Life manipulates. Folds the mind.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Language. Creation speaks. Vibrations primordial,
Empty streets. Empty stores. Empty
Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
Midnight flight. Soaring to the great
Mindfulness. Stare. Eye to eye. Information