Animal world. Instincts run amok.
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Ghosts. Spirits. Adrift, the ether flows.
Become. What? What we become. Past
Dreamworld. Justify. Being. Just being.
Beating heart. Pulsing, echoing, beating heart.
Clay. Clay People. Malleable. Time/location sculpts.
Time Flying by. Enveloped. Enveloped in its
Generator. Conduit. Rippled structure. All passes
Messages, from all time. Past. Present.
Mindless. Knowledge accumulation. Books carry information.
0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016
Thought. Realm of ideas. Infinite realm
Stardust. Vastness of being. Beyond comprehension.
Stories. So many stories. Layer after