Shining light. The light of inquiry.
Vessel. Empty. Devoid of knowledge. No opinions.
Digital aether. Created, man made. Zeros
Ritual. Comfort in ritual. Dark forbodding
Owned. Unaware. Information! Information flowing.
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Hand. Heavy hand. Pressing down.
Instantly. All at once. Collective. Variations.
Perspective. Personal perspective. Point of view.
Ghosts. Spirits. Adrift, the ether flows.
Animal world. Instincts run amok.
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Bytes. Bits and bytes. Penetrating. Steady stream.
Dust on the gears. Mechanical reality.
Eternity’s pool. Peering into probability. Seeing all that