The station. Experience begins. Enter the soul.
Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Mind, rises above. Above the material,
Pecking order. Top to bottom. Things get
Measure of all things. Truth. Man.
4 AM Tough time. Dark time. Ghost haunting.
Wasteland. Digital wasteland. Digital pollution,
Truths. Thought. Human truths. Relative.
Humanity’s gods. What did they do?
Everywhere. Every time. All at once. Existence
The blur. From here. Where to? What path? Which
Clean Slate. Thinning. Thinning the weeds. Ancient
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Inexplicable. Being. The wonder of being. Simply
Shimmer. Spinning. Mixing. Revolving time.