To be. To exist. What did it
Below. Next level. Dive deep. Through
Blue Marble. Terrarium! A terrarium really. That’s
Comprehension. Understood. Capacity to know. Limited.
Simple. Modernity aspires. Standing on uneven
Stardust. Vastness of being. Beyond comprehension.
Fifth dimension. Unseen. World of the
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Virus. Tech mind virus. Insidious
Alone. Alone in the immeasurable. What
Social transformation. Imperceptible. Subtle. Slowly
Clouds of ignorance. Mind shielding. Machine
Dawn till dusk. Eyes open, it begins. Winding
God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Self evident. From the mind of man.