Substrate. Mysterious. Realm of origin. Probability,
Yet. What’s yet to be known,
Power. Weakness. Seductive force. Seductive
Passing through. One stop along the way.
Dependency. Addiction. Global affliction. Can’t
Size. How big? How dense? What can be known?
Peaceful. Tune out. Turn off.
Empyrean. Born. Budding. Cleaving from origin.
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Primal. Humanity screams. Primal animal.
Despotism. Power. Power to control. Tell others
Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Empty packages. Life’s lessons arrive
Theosophical. Ripples of oneness. Creation’s ripples
Vibration. Energy. Energy, rippling throughout.