Faces fixed. Screen glows. Mesmerized.
Contemplation. Only one species on earth. Only one.
Enigma. Existence. Being. Gordian knot.
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Ritual. Comfort in ritual. Dark forbodding
Collective. Human collective. Moves as one.
Snowy morning. Coffee in hand. Here I
Shimmer. Spinning. Mixing. Revolving time.
Flowing. Waves of energy, information. Flowing
They come. Generation after generation. Never ending
Crystalline spheres. Resonating throughout. Sounds of
Adjustments. Evolutionarily adjustments. Societal adjustments.
Emerging. Becoming. Something different. Chrysalis
Destination. Path forward. Creation’s road map.
Menticide. Cloud induced psychosis. Undermining