Archaic beliefs. What we believe. Why we
Remnant. What’s left behind. Bits of bone.
Song. Vibrations. Celestial sounds. Echoing
Field. Frequency. Vibrations. Field of possibilities.
Purpose. Point. Searching for meaning, truth,
Alone. Alone in the immeasurable. What
Designed we’ve been. Emerged from the goo.
Tiny. Look around. They’re everywhere. Tiny things.
Domination. Power. Hard fought. Brass knuckles.
Location. Consciousness. Being. Self aware. Where
Cloud. Inward flow. Information accumulation.
Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses.
Straws. Grasping at straws. Time
Deafening. Eons past. Faceless millions charge.
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways