Children. Children of the void. Overlooked.
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Coming to be. Befuddling. Matter coming
Faces fixed. Screen glows. Mesmerized.
0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016
Bumblebee. Designed to do what bees do.
Valhalla. Gods, living in the cloud.
Jungle. Where the animals are. All within. Within the
Provided. Reality as provided. From a human
A.I. god. Out of the mist. Marching
Meaning. Ridiculous. Sense of the ridiculous.
Expansion. Mind expansion. Consciousness expansion.
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.
Hive. Hive mind. Group think.
Deep. Deep into the bowels of time.