Who would true Valour see Let him come hither; One here will Constant be, Come Wind, come Weather. There’s no Discouragement,
hus, having show’d you what I see Of heaven, I now will tell You also, after search, what be The damned wights of hell. And O, that they who read my line…
When I do this begin to apprehend… My heart, my soul, and mind, begin… To God-ward, and sincerely for to… His son, his ways, his people, and… With brokenness of spirit after hi…
What, barren here! in this so good… The sight of this doth make God’s… From giving thee his blessing; bar… Bear fruit, or else thine end will… Art thou not planted by the water-…
Now, if thou wouldst inherit right… And so sanctification possess In body, soul, and spirit, then th… To Jesus fly, as one ungodly firs… And so by him crave pardon for thy…
The mole’s a creature very smooth… She digs i’ th’ dirt, but 'twill n… So’s he who counts this world his… Yet nothing gets but’s labour for… Earth’s the mole’s element, she ca…
This Moses was a fair and comely… His wife a swarthy Ethiopian; Nor did his milk-white bosom chang… She came out thence as black as sh… Now Moses was a type of Moses’ la…
God gave us Cloaths to hide our N… And we by them, do it expose to V… Our Pride, and unclean Minds, to… By our Apparel we to others shew.
This homely bush doth to mine eyes… A very fair, yea, comely ruddy ros… This rose doth also bow its head t… Saying, Come, pluck me, I thy ros… Yet offer I to gather rose or bud…
Wouldst thou be very upright and s… Wouldst thou be that within thou d… Or seem to be in outward exercise Before the most devout, and godly… Yea, art thou thus when no eye dot…
hat ails this fly thus desperately… A combat with the candle? Will sh… To clash at light? Away, thou sil… Thus doing thou wilt burn thy wing… But ’tis a folly her advice to giv…
The word of faith unto me pardon b… Shows me the ground and reason whe… To wit, free grace, which moved G… His Son to die and bleed, that I… This word doth also loudly preach…
Two sacraments I do believe there… Baptism and the Supper of the Lor… Both mysteries divine, which do to… By God’s appointment, benefit aff… But shall they be my God, or shal…
As ’tis appointed men should die, So judgment is the next That meets them most assuredly; For so saith holy text. Wherefore of judgment I shall now
This watch my father did on me bes… A golden one it is, but 'twill not… Unless it be at an uncertainty: But as good none as one to tell a… When ’tis high day my hand will st…