One Last Moment

That special moment in every day
Makes all my troubles wash away
When your air is my air
And I breathe it in as you stroke my hair
As we live and die in each others embrace
I feel safe from life grueling race
As you tell me I am beautiful
My heart feels so full
Happily remain
As you wash away my tears, my pain
And your smell fills my nostrils and your warmth is mine
The whole World’s at piece and everything’s fine
If only I had one last moment to convince you to stay
If only I had one more second for things to be okay
If only life was still fair
If only the undying love for me was still there
If only I could stare into those blue eyes, that sweet face
If only I could still feel my hearts increasing pace
If only you still thought I was magnificent, wonderful
If only I could heal my broken heart and make it cheerful
If only I there was a way to remove your stain
If only I didn’t have to live in distain, nothing to loose, nothing to gain
If only there was a that I could still fell divine
If only I knew how to put my life back in line

Other works by J.J...
