Mommy. You were the first person who held… You woke up in the night when I w… You let me share your bed when I… Daddy.
Only you can bring this rage This inner monster saved For you and only you Able to irritate me in ways I nev… My demons were born the day you en…
Her screams pierce the night As he ravages her soul Under the shattered streetlight If only it would glow Blended in the shadows
You believe you’re nothing, A placeholder for something. Worthless and unwanted, You’re wrong. I believe you’re something,
I never thought I never dreamed Is what you say Really what it seems You make the effort
One day I found a cookie, And then it ran away. It just up and left me, It didn’t want to stay. That cookie was so perfect,
I am most beautiful where it matte… On the inside If you don’t want that in your lif… Why should I waste my precious te… I loved life before you
Heart black as death Laugh cold as night Holding me hostage In your torturous might Grasping my final breath
Fallen from grace An angel inside Screaming for freedom With no place to hide Slowly falling
A double-edged blade in my conscie… Of battle and freedom, Of death and loss. I fight for my country, When they fight for theirs,
Sometimes I think to myself: What is wrong with me? Then I reiterate and ask: What is wrong with the world? When I was young I was considered…
People say that being different is… I disagree Being normal is the abnormal Because when your normal you fade… You don’t push yourself to be diff…
Sadness Hopeless Broken Bruised You tell me you know
Would you look at her Such beauty hidden inside But nobody wants to look at her Not when you have this one just be… You see this one wears makeup
Beaten, battered, bruised. I am broken. When someone chooses to push Hump… They don’t stick around to see if… I have been pushed and I am falli…