Miss Jen's Playroom

I Love You

I love you
It doesn’t have any meaning anymore
Kids these days are out in the streets
Selling their bodies to everyone they meet
Because they don’t realize the amazing opportunities they have
You have the world open to you
Every resource waiting for you to come and use them
I know some kids that are not even sixteen
Running around thinking they know how the world really is
Claiming to be a condom dealer and coming home with hickeys on her neck and chest
I love you
Some people never hear it enough growing up
They don’t understand that someone will always be there for them
And so because they don’t think that they have someone there
They end up as the kids who spend their nights on the corner
These kids should be playing outside
Not with their bodies
Kids these days don’t need cell phones when they are in elementary school
They don’t need to be exposed to all these things
Because it only hurts them
I love you
Childhood has been replaced with being a teenager too fast
Playing with dolls has turned into playing with each other
You have women that are having kids when they are still a child themselves
What is our would coming too
When a child doesn’t know what it feel like
To have someone to take care of you
To have no worries other than passing the spelling test
Too much responsibility is being out on their shoulders
Imagin what this world will be when those words have no meaning
I love you


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