Miss Jen's Playroom

Change The Normal

People say that being different isn’t normal
I disagree
Being normal is the abnormal
Because when your normal  you fade into the crowd
You don’t push yourself to be different
You stay the same
When you stay normal your withering into nothing
Being different is a challange
You have to find ways everyday to stay yourself
I have five things I do to stay different
One I stay away from what everyone around me does
I make sure that I lead my own life
And not follow anyone else’s
I’m comfortable with being me
There is nobody on earth like me
So why waste my precious breath
On being something that is normal
I’m not afraid
Life is short
No matter what you do in life
You will never survive
Why leave this earth unnoticed
Make something of yourself
Because there will be a day where a story is told about how great you were
Be the person you want to be
Don’t be the one in the shadows
Don’t be hiding away from the sun
This is life
And this is the only one you will have
No matter if you grow to be the oldest person on earth
Or your world is taken from you before you had a chance
This will be the only days you have to live
So live this day as if it was your last
And finally
Stay true to yourself
Never let anyone change you
Only change yourself
To grow and become an amazing person
So change what is normal and become the abnormal
Be different and love it
Might as well make the best of a life that nobody survives anyway


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