Jeff Bresee


Unto what shall our era be likened?
Are we like unto people of old?
Are we so far removed from the ancient of days
we gain not from the stories they told?
Has the God of our fathers been vanquished?
Have we found other means to get by?
Is there cause any more for salvation?
Or perhaps are we living a lie?
Unto what shall our era be likened?
We are like they of whom the Lord said -
who dance not when piped
and lament not when mourned
as we sit in the market for bread.
For we claim we want all that God stands for,
be it goodness, or rightness, or peace,
yet with the same lips we say, “Don’t speak of God”
and we’ve done all to make his words cease.
But God surely still reigns in the Heavens,
searching out for the simple and meek.
For as it is written, wisdom is justified...
of her children who quietly seek.
Reference Matthew 11:15-19
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