Unto what shall I liken my strugg… Unto a breath without air, gasping… for that which I can clearly see a… but like unto the shining stars of… lies as it would seem high above m…
A road begun, so distant. A masterpiece, insistent. Divided rolls at parting, provided each a farthing with usury demanding.
I tried today and failed again. I’ve tried so long I don’t know w… it ever went the way of which I pl… I’ve given up on wondering why. I’ve learned it doesn’t help to cr…
Into the dark corners of desire, long left standing upon the un-swept floor of secret yearn… have I strived to press your memor… Which over time of endless days
It’s different now, all the world around cloaked in grey, yet cool in the shadow. Void of sound,
Starring out my window this Decem… all I can do is long for you again… Sometimes I feel I’m over you, li… move on and forget about all that’… But as the raindrops fall, all of…
Holding all I hold that’s mine. A modern king. The gifts of time. Allot no grip nor means to hold. Today in grasp yet drifting old. Begotten days become as sand.
With eyes of grey, no longer whole… That’s what I see as I look on an… Your body broke, bound to a chair.… and watch from sidelines day to da… Your now deaf ears and muted voice…
Dim lit, damp and distant corner torn from dream of vapor’s fold. Slow descent to worlds divided, nothing hot and nothing cold. Long ago this soul forgotten,
There’s a magic to the moment when you’re alone at night and a song d… playing soft and sweet in the still of the midnight air. Then whatever the day dealt fades…
How odd this ragged stranger seems who jarred me from my frozen stare… at dust and dreams and other thing… for which I spend my time and care… No other man hath paid him mind,
Nothing can stop the unquenchable… fed by the flame of the deepest de… Born of a purpose, intent that is… in the one who’s determined to do… One who believes it can always be…
Awakened by song of long distant v… a beam of light cuts the abyss. Serenades calling, the lost and th… sneaking into lives gone far amiss… The sound of strings breathing, em…
Will Heaven help me through this… will it be there in my need? How much is mine to do alone? At which point should I plead? Is it there when my head is down
What in the world are we doing? Who are we trying to beat? It seems like we live our lives ru… as if we are losing our seats. We never stop building up towers.