In the middle of life there’s a mo… Reminiscing, regretting, “Is ther… Looking out in both ways from the… as I tumble and shrink to an infin… For I know forever has no end of…
Sinners & publicans. Pharisees, s… Unto neither of these could I eve… for I read of these groups in the… and both make me feel to exclaim w… “Oh praise be that I’m not as oth…
Death transcends the toll of time. Stands beneath a smoke-filled sky. Spirits rise up from the past, row by row from first to last. Like silhouettes of lifeless trees
Write me a poem she said from her… and tell the dark secrets that lie… Dig it all up from the deepest of… Tell in your poem what you’ve not… Write your way through all the lay…
Will Heaven help me through this… will it be there in my need? How much is mine to do alone? At which point should I plead? Is it there when my head is down
If I woke up and worked every day with a calm resolute execution of… or perhaps at least stayed on appr… with the basic things for which I… If with a small grain of faith I’…
Don’t thru to pour me into a mold. I’m not made out of plaster... I’m made out of stone.
Depression and heartache and yearn… common throughout all the years, general amongst all the masses, driven by so many fears. It’s truly the struggle of ages,
Tis an interesting thing to consid… the value of a quiet example set. Like the crystal streams, or the m… consistent, constant, always there… Blessing every soul who happens by…
Each day I run, each day I hide from the me I’ve locked inside. The me I made in younger years. The me reflected in my tears. The me my mother warned me of,
This world of ice. Forged in frozen sheets, layer upon layer. So many attempts to thaw, daily melting.
The battle before us - “The Left and The Right”, calling to everyone, “Join in the fight!” Calling, demanding -
Most people have a lot, most have a list of gidgets and gadgets and trinkets to buy. It’s just human nature
Even now, despite the time that’s gone by since you were mine… I find at quiet moments in my hear… that you never left me for in my heart there is no door
Nothing can stop the unquenchable… fed by the flame of the deepest de… Born of a purpose, intent that is… in the one who’s determined to do… One who believes it can always be…