Jeff Bresee

Heaven Help Me

Will Heaven help me through this life,
will it be there in my need?
How much is mine to do alone?
At which point should I plead?
Is it there when my head is down
and my thoughts directed high?
Is it sad when I selfishly
just watch the world go by?
Does it know my accomplishments?
Will it pat me on the back?
Will it comfort when I’m down
and when my visions lack?
Will Heaven help me make my choice,
or do I choose alone?
Will it cry each time when I fall
to the weakness I am prone?
Will it stand by me patiently
while my interests I pursue?
Will it grant me pardon based on—
“Someday I will do”?
Will Heaven help me find out
who I am and, why I’m here?
Will it send its angels down
to hold me when I fear?
I gaze into the stars each night
and pray someday I’ll find...
answers to all these questions
in heart and in my mind.
Other works by Jeff Bresee...
