I wonder how to make you see,
The pain you inflicted on me.
How can I make you understand,
The damage done by your own hand.
What to do to make it all clear,
To finally bring to your eye a tear.
A plan for you I did devise,
To make you feel the pain of your lies.
I take you upstairs and tie you to a chair,
And start to explain the pain you made me bare.
I list all the things you have crushed,
And how it was made to all be hushed.
Few people to know what you did,
Because you knew it was forbid.
Now it’s time to make you care,
For you it’s time to pay the fare.
Time for you to feel the pain that I do,
To carry with you your whole life through.
You say you’re sorry and beg and plead,
So scared that I will make you bleed.
All tied up and helpless you start to try,
To muster up tears, but your eyes are still dry.
You say you finally now understand,
Too bad for you, There is more I demand.
Cuts and bruises, those will heal,
They are not equal to all I feel.
Something to come you’ll never forget,
Something worthy of your debt.
I pull out a gun and put it to my chest,
No fear in my eyes, I know this is best.
Forever to be played over in your head,
My literal heart for you also bled.
As you helplessly sit there and watch me die,
I know I win, as you finally start to cry!