Eternities before the first-born d… Or ere the first sun fledged his w… Calm Night, the everlasting and t… A brooding mother over chaos lay. And whirling suns shall blaze and…
Weep not, weep not, She is not dead; She’s resting in the bosom of Jes… Heart-broken husband—weep no more; Grief-stricken son—weep no more;
(Lullaby) Shet yo’ eyes, ma little pickaninn… Mammy’s watchin’ by you all de w’i… Daddy is a-wukin’ down in de cott’… Wukin’ fu’ his little honey child.
The hand of Fate cannot be stayed… The course of Fate cannot be stee… By all the gods that man has made, Nor all the devils he has feared, Not by the prayers that might be p…
Young man— Young man— Your arm’s too short to box with… But Jesus spake in a parable, and… A certain man had two sons.
Sometimes the mist overhangs my pa… And blackening clouds about me cli… But, oh, I have a magic way To turn the gloom to cheerful day— I softly sing.
O Southland! O Southland! Have you not heard the call, The trumpet blown, the word made k… To the nations, one and all? The watchword, the hope-word,
(On the Anniversary of Lincoln’s… Father, Father Abraham, Today look on us from above; On us, the offspring of thy faith, The children of thy Christ-like l…
The glory of the day was in her fa… The beauty of the night was in her… And over all her loveliness, the g… Of Morning blushing in the early… And in her voice, the calling of t…
For fifty years, Cruel, insatiable Old World. You have punched me over the heart Till you made me cough blood. The few paltry things I gathered
(A Negro Serenade) De river is a-glistenin’ in de moo… De owl is set’n high up in de tree… De little stars am twinklin’ wid a… De night seems only jes fu’ you an…
W’en de leaves begin to fall, An’ de fros’ is on de ground, An’ de 'simmons is a-ripenin’ on d… W’en I heah de dinner call, An’ de chillen gadder 'round,
Skin as black an’ jes as sof’ as a… Teeth as white as ivory 'well de… Eyes dat’s jes as big an’ bright a… An’ dat hol’ some sort o’ light lu… Hair don’t hang 'way down her back…
I dreamed that I was a rose That grew beside a lonely way, Close by a path none ever chose, And there I lingered day by day. Beneath the sunshine and the show’…
Look heah! 'Splain to me de reaso… Why you said to Squire Lee, Der wuz twelve ole chicken thieves In dis heah town, includin’ me. Ef he tole you dat, my brudder,