Look heah! 'Splain to me de reaso… Why you said to Squire Lee, Der wuz twelve ole chicken thieves In dis heah town, includin’ me. Ef he tole you dat, my brudder,
To chase a never-reached mirage Across the hot, white sand, And choke and die, while gazing on Its green and watered strand.
O Sleep, thou kindest minister to… Silent distiller of the balm of re… How wonderful thy power, when naug… To soothe the torn and sorrow-lade… When bleeding hearts no comforter…
When morning shows her first faint… I think of the tender blush That crept so gently to your cheek When first my love I dared to spe… How, in your glance, a dawning ray
Girl of fifteen, I see you each morning from my win… As you pass on your way to school. I do more than see, I watch you. I furtively draw the curtain aside…
Twenty years go by on noiseless fe… He returns, and once again they me… She exclaims, ‘Good heavens! and… He mutters, ‘My God! and that is…
Eternities before the first-born d… Or ere the first sun fledged his w… Calm Night, the everlasting and t… A brooding mother over chaos lay. And whirling suns shall blaze and…
Three students once tarried over t… And into Frau Wirthin’s turned to… ‘Say, hostess, have you good beer… And where is that pretty daughter… ‘My beer and wine is fresh and cle…
Are you bowed down in heart? Do you but hear the clashing disco… Then come away, come to the peacef… Here bathe your soul in silence.… From out the palpitating solitude
I’m back down in ole Georgy w’ere… W’ere de cawn it is a-tasslin’, gi… W’ere de cott’n is a-openin’ an’ a… An’ de ripenin’ o’ de sugah-cane i… An’ de locus’ is a-singin’ f’om ev…
Have you been sore discouraged in… And even sometimes weighted by the… That those with whom and those for… Lagged far behind, or dared but fa… And that the opposing forces in th…
O, brothers mine, take care! Take… The great white witch rides out to… Trust not your prowess nor your st… Your only safety lies in flight; For in her glance there is a snare…
I love to sit alone, and dream, And dream, and dream; In fancy’s boat to softly glide Along some stream Where fairy palaces of gold
(A Warning) ‘Simmons ripenin’ in de fall, You better run, Brudder 'Possum, run! Mockin’ bird commence to call,
I hear the stars still singing To the beautiful, silent night, As they speed with noiseless wingi… Their ever westward flight. I hear the waves still falling