Old Omar, jolly sceptic, it may b… That, after all, you found the mag… To life and all its mystery, and… Must own you have almost persuaded…
Twenty years go by on noiseless fe… He returns, and once again they me… She exclaims, ‘Good heavens! and… He mutters, ‘My God! and that is…
I hear the stars still singing To the beautiful, silent night, As they speed with noiseless wingi… Their ever westward flight. I hear the waves still falling
(A Negro Serenade) De river is a-glistenin’ in de moo… De owl is set’n high up in de tree… De little stars am twinklin’ wid a… De night seems only jes fu’ you an…
(On the Anniversary of Lincoln’s… Father, Father Abraham, Today look on us from above; On us, the offspring of thy faith, The children of thy Christ-like l…
Cuddle down, ma honey, in yo’ bed, Go to sleep an’ res’ yo’ little he… Been a-kind o’ ailin’ all de day? Didn’t have no sperit fu’ to play? Never min’; to-morrer, w’en you we…
O mighty, powerful, dark-dispellin… Now thou art risen, and thy day be… How shrink the shrouding mists bef… As up thou spring’st to thy diurna… How darkness chases darkness to th…
O Sleep, thou kindest minister to… Silent distiller of the balm of re… How wonderful thy power, when naug… To soothe the torn and sorrow-lade… When bleeding hearts no comforter…
W’en de leaves begin to fall, An’ de fros’ is on de ground, An’ de 'simmons is a-ripenin’ on d… W’en I heah de dinner call, An’ de chillen gadder 'round,
Girl of fifteen, I see you each morning from my win… As you pass on your way to school. I do more than see, I watch you. I furtively draw the curtain aside…
Old Devil, when you come with hor… With diabolic grin and crafty leer… I say, such bogey-man devices whol… To waken in my heart a single fear… But when you wear a form I know s…
Tiny bit of humanity, Blessed with your mother’s face, And cursed with your father’s mind… I say cursed with your father’s mi… Because you can lie so long and so…
Enough of love! Let break its eve… Ended my youthful folly! for I kn… That, like the dazzling, glister-s… Celia, thou art beautiful, but col… I do not find in thee that warmth…
Skin as black an’ jes as sof’ as a… Teeth as white as ivory 'well de… Eyes dat’s jes as big an’ bright a… An’ dat hol’ some sort o’ light lu… Hair don’t hang 'way down her back…
O brothers mine, to-day we stand Where half a century sweeps our ke… Since God, through Lincoln’s read… Struck off our bonds and made us m… Just fifty years - a winter’s day…