Cow, Cow! I and thou Are looking at each other’s eyes You are lying on the grass Eating every time I pass,
It was night time! God, the Fathe… Weary of praises, on a sudden stoo… From His great Throne, and leaned… For He had heard a sound; a littl… Thin as a whisper, climbing up the…
To-day i felt as poor O’Brien did When, turning from all else that w… He took himself to that which was… —He took him to his verse—for othe… And (tho’ man will crave and seek)
I am the maker, The builder, the breaker, The eagle-winged helper, The speedy forsaker! The lance and the lyre,
AND then I pressed the shell Close to my ear And listened well, And straightway like a bell Came low and clear
A sparrow hopped about the street, And he was not a bit afraid; He flew between a horse’s feet, And ate his supper undismayed: I think myself the horse knew well
I saw God. Do you doubt it? Do you dare to doubt it? I saw the Almighty Man. His hand Was resting on a mountain, and He looked upon the World and all…
We thought at first, this man is a… Or the branch of a mighty and anci… That silly, sulky, illiterate, bla… Who was hatched by foreign vulgari… The good men of Clare were drinki…
The leaves are fresh after the rai… The air is cool and clear, The sun is shining warm again, The sparrows hopping in the lane Are brisk and full of cheer.
I saw the Devil walking down the… Behind our house., There was a he… Strapped tightly on his shoulders,… Sizzled when it hit him. He pi… Up from the ground and put it in h…
My enemy came nigh, And I Stared fiercely in his face. My lips went writhing back in a gr… And stern I watched him with a na…
Behind the hill I met a man in gr… Who asked me if my mother had gone… I said she had. He asked me had I… His castle where the people sing a… From dawn to dark, and told me tha…
And then I wakened up in such a f… I thought I heard a movement in t… But did not dare to look; I snugg… Down underneath the bedclothes—the… Of a tremendous voice said, ‘Sit…
The wind stood up and gave a shout… He whistled on his fingers and Kicked the withered leaves about And thumped the branches with his… And said that he’d kill and kill,
Mad Patsy said, he said to me, That every morning he could see An angel walking on the sky; Across the sunny skies of morn He threw great handfuls far and ni…