James Russell Lowell


I would more natures were like thine,
 That never casts a glance before,
Thou Hebe, who thy heart’s bright wine
 So lavishly to all dost pour,
That we who drink forget to pine,
 And can but dream of bliss in store.
Thou canst not see a shade in life;
 With sunward instinct thou dost rise,
And, leaving clouds below at strife,
 Gazest undazzled at the skies,
With all their blazing splendors rife,
 A songful lark with eagle’s eyes.
Thou wast some foundling whom the Hours
 Nursed, laughing, with the milk of Mirth;
Some influence more gay than ours
 Hath ruled thy nature from its birth,
As if thy natal stars were flowers
 That shook their seeds round thee on earth.
And thou, to lull thine infant rest,
 Wast cradled like an Indian child;
All pleasant winds from south and west
 With lullabies thine ears beguiled,
Rocking thee in thine oriole’s nest,
 Till Nature looked at thee and smiled.
Thine every fancy seems to borrow
 A sunlight from thy childish years,
Making a golden cloud of sorrow,
 A hope—lit rainbow out of tears,—
Thy heart is certain of to-morrow,
 Though 'yond to-day it never peers.
I would more natures were like thine,
 So innocently wild and free,
Whose sad thoughts, even, leap and shine,
 Like sunny wavelets in the sea,
Making us mindless of the brine,
 In gazing on the brilliancy.
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