James McIntyre

St. Andrews Anniversary

The following is a clipping from an old Ingersoll paper
on St. Andrew’s Anniversary, 30th November, 1868:
The Anniversary of Scotia’s tetular [sic] saint was celebrated on Monday with great eclat
by a dinner at Mr. Douglass’ Hotel. The spread on the occasion was excellent ; not
only Scotia’s sons, but many who came from merry England and the Green Isle were
present. After the cloth had been removed Mr. McIntyre took the chair, and Mr. Sorley
the vice chair. Songs, speeches and toasts became the order of the evening The
following original piece was rendered by Mr. McIntyre in good style:-
Scotia’s sons to-night we meet thee
With kindly feelings we do greet thee
In honour of the land of Heather
Around this board to-night we gather.
Land where the fields for border edges
Have garlands of blooming hedges,
Land of the whin and of the broom,
And where the bonnie blue bells bloom.
Land where you may enraptured hark
To heavenly song of the sky lark
Which soars triumphant to the skies
Above the gaze of human eyes.
Land of bleak hills and of fertile dales
Where they tell oft their fairy tales ;
Land where the folks do love the Kirk,
And on the Sabbath cease from work.
Land of porridge and of good brose,
Of blue bonnets, and of Tartan hose,
The land where all good wives do bake
The thirfty, wholesome oaten cake.
We hope some day to tread the strand
Of our own dear native land,
And see the lasses shear the corn *
Near the banks of the Findhorn.
Where the Jeans and the Maggies
Excel is making glorious haggies,
And o’er the sea we’ll some day sail
To get a bowl of good green kail.
Other works by James McIntyre...
