On the laying of the corner stone… Queenston Heights, and the final… who had fallen at the battle of Qu… The remains of his Aid, Col. McD… ited under the new tower.
We were so deeply impressed with t… in a prose tale that we transposed… A buffalo, lord of the plain, With massive neck and mighty mane, While from his herd he slowly stra…
While referring to past glories of… the late Honourable T. D. McKee,… and we will give you an anecdote o… the supper table around which was… him as the great centre of attract…
To night the children meet with gl… To view the fruits on Christmas T… And when its beauties we behold We’re very sorry we are old. The children all they have good ca…
We look in vain for our past grand… Now scattered over many lands ; For some o’er the wide world doth… And some have joined Grand Lodge… But ever since Father Adam’s fall
Delivered at opening of Odd-Fello… Dereham now hath wealthy yoemen Whose fathers overcame the foemen… The enemy they boldly slew Was mighty forests they did hew,
Where the young lady waiters we… Throughout the world they do extol The fame of our town Ingersoll, The capital of dairyland, To-night it seems like fairy land,
Lines on the naming of Victoria P… 1881. The ceremony was performed b… Esq., Mayor of the town. Come one, come all, to Scottish g… On the banks of Canadian Thames ;
Lines on presenting Dr. Springer… was bidding farewell to Ingersoll,… to California. Though we know we are no singer, Yet we will chaunt farewell to Sp…
Meeting of Burns and Scott in Ed… When Burns did make triumphant en… ‘Mong Edina’s famous gentry, A discussion did there arise Among those solons, learned and wi…
Of our Laureate we now do sing– His youthful muse had daring wing, He then despised Baronhood, And sang ’twas noble to be good. None sang like him of knights of o…
The following ode was delivered by… of Burns, Ingersoll, in presence… This night shall never be forgot, For humble life none now despise, Since Barns was born in lowly cot…
Who was expected to attend a Banq… in London nearly thirty years ago.… were asking for Brother Abel. When we went down to London in mi… A brother looked at me as though…
Lines on Caledonian games, May, 1… On grassy amphitheater Spectators sit, to view the war ‘Mong bold contestants on the plai… Where each doth strive the prize t…
We have scarcely time to tell thee Of the strange and gifted Shelley… Kind hearted man, but ill-fated, So youthful drowned and cremated.