What is left if me,
Is all bare and open to see.
I’m left open with wounds so raw,
As iv been hurt too much and feels like my heart was cut open with a saw.
My wounds bleed never ending.
As you kept tearing my heart and enjoy seeing my soul tortured and bending.
You cut through the deepest part of me.
You held my all a prisoner and would not see my spirit free.
You craved to see me reach down to my highest low.
You just wanted me to break and never grow.
The pain I always had to conceal.
The reality I lived that was never real.
You tore My heart right out of my chest.
You never wanted to let my soul rest.
You enjoyed seeing me suffer and feel pain.
As you kept hurting me over and over again.
I was always you puppet on a string.
Which you loved the torture it would bring.
Your face would light up when you saw me down and in fear.
You never realised one day I would find strength to make my mind clear.
You pushed me to my weakest and so much more low.
But I got up and showed you a soul that was meant to glow.
You tried to ruin the every piece of me.
But my spirit and determination set me free.
You were always just a fool.
Using me as your favourite tool.
But i lashed back and found myself to your dismay.
I left you with an empty ego and no words to say.
One day you will get your due.
And ill be watching life laughing back at you....