The Genes I Wear

Mirror, mirror

My Mirrored Blessing

Mirror, mirror you are in the image of God but you are just like me,
Brave, hard working and drama free,
I look at you and ask myself how could this be,...a mini me.
Mirror, mirror you are in the image of God but just like me what you think is what you get,
Thorough and straight to it,
I have to admit you are like you Dad, just a bit.
Mirror, mirror you are in the image of God but you LOVE doing hair just like your Auntie CeeCee,
Curse like your paternal Granny, how could this be?
And an interest in cooking like your Papa, uhm-uh! didn’t get it from me.
Mirror, mirror you are in the image of God, but He Blessed me,
You are a BEAUTIFUL young lady now, just what I wanted to see.
Only God knew of her plans before me...
With Your Blessings she is a daughter, a mother, a granddaughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece and a friend
((perhaps a wife when a new chapter begins...
Look over her and her precious son, Dear Lord,
I am forever grateful that she does not “live by the sword”...
Shelter her at home and on her job,
Reveal to her O’Lord, that my home is hers, at ANYtime she can turn the key and then the knob....
Bless her health and strength as her waking day,
I want to thank you for loaning her to me, if I may...
When burdens arise, put a song in her heart,
...and PLEASE Bless her days when her family and friends seemed to be  torn apart.


[god blessed me with a girl november 1990. she was a beautiful child at heart, she would always think of other poor children. she's always loved fashion and hair. never been in trouble with me or law enforcement, in fact she is on the right side of the law, she is a correctional officer. signed a proud mommy♥]

#AndAreChildrenDaughter #Daughter #Daughter #GenesGodGoodIIIsLoanedLoveMirror #MotherMyMyTheToUs #Wear

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