In a small room that seemed so dark and closed in,
Questions??, fear and tears that seemed to have had no end.
Armed security guards checking you in, with a smile turned down and a look that said “not another one”,
I ask why so long and I get an answer short and rude, after a delayed response.
I will never, ever forget that look in the investigators face, clammy and sure,
...and the punishment that my child could endure.
Six eyes in every direction starring as if you guilty and you know it,
Hands sweaty and cold and legs shaking as I stare pass there heads... again, this I will never forget.
Trying to stay strong for my child was so very hard to do,
Nothing we said regarding what happened mattered, though it was true,
Five hours passed, and still no clue.
Time ended, the results given to us one by one in that “small room”,
“The baby, will NOT be going home no time soon”.
The sight of the departure and my thoughts were so very blurry even as I walked to my car to leave,
I prayed, Dear Lord help me please
Our family members at one point rolled by and the tears began again, I stared into the tail end of the car, I ask the Lord when will this all end¿At that point I was not sure why I feared the decision less...
...than the choice he made that got us all in this mess
I remember early that morning speaking with him, saying “kiss him for me we’ll talk tonight”,
A late night call from him that in the beginning didn’t seem right,
“Mama, listen, I am in trouble, CPS got my nephew”...and I don’t know what to do"!
“Please call his Mama for me because after this call... I can not talk at all”,
The phone call ended and I had no explanation as to why,
My better half ask “what’s wrong?”...CPS got the baby was my reply.
As I panicked calling his Mama’s job... the personnel was so very helpful and nice,
...what to tell her, I had to think twice...
I wanted her to drive safe and not be alarmed,
...though at the time we were not sure if her baby was unharmed.
We drove to meet her because that was her request,
Gran’ spoke and said “that would be best”.
Dealin’ with CPS once again,
This was all in God’s plan.