J. W. Hicks


A journey
That is only becoming rough
To you
You guard yourself so strong
Not letting many in
Some have broken you down
Yet you still fight back
You seem like your plottin a war
A war that you’ll loose
For like I said you wont
Loose me for I will never leave
I will fight to the end
And willin to take the demons
You cast out towards me
Bring on your stongest
For I already realize your strategy
be careful for  I have a few
Tricks up my sleeve
Talk more instead of push
Your not alone
No one is
I understand things may get tough
But remember the ones
That are there for you
don’t wound your own
Don’t take the dark path
Its all good to let others
Be on your side
For they are there to help guide
Even some follow you
So know matter how hard you hit
Nothing will knock me down
Unless you ask and have a
Change of heart
But just you know you may
Survive with that decision that
You have made
don’t worry how you torn my heart
For you wouldn’t want to hear
The pain you struck me with

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