
Purple Beanie Girl

Sitting here in this chair
Watching the people watch me watching her
She wears a crown of purple
She looks at others through eyes that are unobstructed
Her plaid shirt gives off a farm girl aura
But is quickly redefined by her hipster flare
Writing words on a page for a grade that decides her fate
A grade that means nothing out in the world
But in this very confined center for artificial knowledge a grade means success
A grade defines you by confining you
A grade gives a person a false sense of worth that’s decided by another person
As she studies, her brain is quickly filling with the facts that everyone knows
There’s no truth in facts
If we all are taught the same thing
There are only so many different interpretations and conclusions
She rattles her brain for a greater definition of that which science fails to teach her
Man made subjects can only define so much before we start making up definitions for stuff
We forget that we’re learning what someone thinks we should know
We’re not learning about what will help us grow
If the end goal is to be the most wealthy person
Then we need to begin by sharing what we know
I’m not advocating a classroom or a lecture hall
I’m saying that we must teach ourselves before passing on knowledge that could potentially
cause us to fall


I was at my college sitting in the student center when I saw this girl doing some homework across the way. That's nothing new except this time I got to thinking about what college was actually doing to people. I'm not saying education is bad at all, but I think that we tend to follow the paths of other people too often.


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