
Misinterpreted Words

Ft. Seth Paul Williams

My words don’t always get across
The emotions that I’m trying
To get from here to there sometimes get lost
These feelings are lost in
What seems like a forest at dusk
Overshadowed by green giants
And four-legged fur-babies
I know they’re meant to do something beautiful but
What does that mean when beauty is subjective
And good stewardship has been forgotten
When the lights come up and what seemed green
Is really the ash and dust of my
Mining for missing words, the selfishness
Of believing that destruction is healing
Like being a Christian
Excuses being a poor citizen
Something to be taken advantage of
Like the foresty fur-babies
But the green giants display a provocative
Sensibility to the plight of the fur-babies
Providing shelter from the rain
And a warm place to reside
The circle of life cares for itself,
It’s myself who intervenes
When there’s something in it to be gained,
So how do I change?
How does my change affect
Bigger change in a world being drained
By poor citizens like me?
Like Nas I don’t have political power
Just lyrical power
But ideas are created by words
Which are debated in politics
So maybe one day these words
Will do more than ease my stress
Maybe one day they’ll fly like birds
And initiate a genesis, like a pawn in chess
No mate can be checked without
A pawn moving first,
No world can be changed without
An idea to move it beyond complacency
So I’ll begin with this confession
That in me is a forest of emotions
and I’m wandering, lost in the search
For the right words to show them

I thought a lot about J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord Of The Rings" (walking trees) and a little bit about Tumnus from Narnia (house in a tree) and how I feel that at times, someone may be overlooked simply because of a situation that makes society view them as sub-human.

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