by: Imrogue She succumbed to the roughest touc… over and over again... She was aware, but remained still.… overwhelmed with repulsion...
Glasses are turned Up for his drinks Stack the card decks Black Jack’s the game Winner takes all!
Patiently awaits The upward dancing motion Uniting us one To dance around for a while Imbed in crevice later
by: Imrogue Pitter-patter of raindrops... right above the rooftop At the bottom of the rain spout... the barrel awaits for every drop.
The storm of the night abated to t… Silver lining of clouds highlighte… deep dark canvas above... soon to bare clear starry sky with twinkling stars
It was December morn, aboard the ferry to where I was bo… It’s been ten years and I dreaded… to my sweet, ancestral home. Saltiness in the air,
By: Imrogue The night was still... Bewitched by the magical spell of tender moments together...
In the hallway, she sat in her cha… as if waiting for someone to ackno… The blank stare and weary look in… manifested long lived years. Her thin lips almost drawn to a sl…
Hopscotch, bean bags, kick the can and Double-dutch Jack with stones
by: Imrogue Beautiful smile...pearly whites sh… bedimpled cheeks... and your after… Warm hugs and sweet kisses desserts after delicious dishes.
Someone loomed from nowhere— A better glimpse failed her— Her breath was heavy between anticipation and trepidation—
It was dark, but comforting in the place where I once was. Looking forward to see the light and maybe breathe the air— I was weightless—
I swim in my tears day after day while distant shore awaits quicksand to another realm. I balance on the rope across life’s ragged-edged cliff.
By: Imrogue Bring her flowers, bring her pies.… Some dandelions, but not blowflies… Pick up a stick, she won’t even mi… She’ll appreciate whatever you may…
Through your eyes unimaginable truth resides Deep in the ocean floor’s unreachable tides. Lying down deep below,