Thoughts... deep in the abyss— mumbled to self as she listened; unknown to none but herself. The songs they sung played in the background—
I could see the lonesome tree. Under draping branches, I did see… Thou held thy straw hat; and waved it for a halt. Thy sweet whisper in my ear
The Drying Tree By: Imrogue Pine needles brittled— The tree’s tall—remains upright— So still and hopeful—
A quick glimpse of him As we passed each other... To the barracks ... questions to be answered. He was tied, no sense to fight.
Whisper to me softly and caress me gently with your hope of dreams for us tomorrow... Let us listen to nightbirds
By: Imrogue I’ve wanted kindness from people… At times, forgotten to give same t… Kindness is a virtue... Gentle words to someone blue.
Borrowed Time By: Imrogue In time, memories fade... but, I… Some memories may pain me and some… We are graced with borrowed time a…
His lamenting soul Hoping for great redemption— Forgiveness awaits...
By: Imrogue Distinct parties, Yes... I am red, you are so blue... Move on forward through! or:
Find me reasons to be true to my heart You broke it once, twice... keeping my eyes forever blind.
Sitting on the rock, Continued his pleading croaks. Princess, where are you?
Today is a new day, but seems like a parody of yesterday’s event. Wait for a moment... for a wake-up call...
What does inspire you? Is it the thought of someone who suffers from illness, from grief of misfortune, a lost love, a spell?
Treacherous storms, unabated perils, unguarded from thunders, then, lightning struck! From the nest that never swayed
Coloring books were so much fun! As a child, I kept my colors insi… I was good at that! Afraid to go haywire, I also drew my lines