By: Imrogue The night was still... Bewitched by the magical spell of tender moments together...
As I walked once more through a trail in the woods, dried leaves crushed under my feet… The mist rose from beneath and lac… around the Oaks, Pines, Maples, a…
scrabmled words in her head ss-stut- tering, garbled
Glasses are turned Up for his drinks Stack the card decks Black Jack’s the game Winner takes all!
Patiently awaits The upward dancing motion Uniting us one To dance around for a while Imbed in crevice later
In the hallway, she sat in her cha… as if waiting for someone to ackno… The blank stare and weary look in… manifested long lived years. Her thin lips almost drawn to a sl…
Tonight, through my window, a glimpse of your silvery light dawned upon the grassy fill of this earth. Your quaintness
Some people say that marriage is a… Some people choose to hold on... Some people choose to forego... And in the process of things, people forget what they’re meant t…
The marmalade sky Extends to the horizon Violets and blues Shaded the canvas’ hues Sun...sets incredibly soon.
I have a secret to tell you. a stranger appears in my bedroom mirror every waking moment. He looks at me intently...
He struggled for years... Hiding someone’s smears. Held on to painful tears Never learned to deal with fears. Carrying on with scathe,
I’m OLD By Imrogue I can’t see far When I drive my car— I can’t see near—
With eyes closed, I implore the w… to send you kisses from my lips to… Hoping they're not swept away in t… I’ll swim the seven seas and find… Where you set foot to remain this…
Her back could only bend so much..… 'neath him she braved the peril. Attached to the barrel Her grasp to such. Strength wavered,
I let you go, flying high, With other birds in the sky. Waving my hand goodbye while I stand here and cry. Today is a sad day