Public enemy number one. Everywhere I go someone tries to… Sit here, do this, don’t do that,… Critque how I live, my choices an… But sit and line up to watch me ev…
No doubt in the Divine. The rhymes aren’t just mine. Life choices. Right places. Right times.
Can we come full circle—what would… The evil that is—no one sees their… What does it take to reach uncondi… When everyone is conditioned to ju… If you don’t fall in line– if you…
Shattered and the glue’s not on th… Landlocked, deserted and abandoned… Finding the wheels that flow in ta… Steady the waves to understand the… Breaks in the darkness bring clari…
You really want me to blow up the… Cash my check and I’ll show you h… Scars on my back aren’t as easily… Breaking down these walls – most… Shake waves if you want to make it…
Sick of the box you’ve been locked… Feeling like a puppet A stiff pre-positioned manequin. The world moves around as you look on with your stuck eye…
A feeling just below the surface. Shown the waves churning and pulli… Boxed in – phone a friend – or hop… Covered existence bleeding bleak. The drains flow one way and all st…
And then when it happens You won’t be ready. Like a deer in headlights Stuck in awe, the beauty of a brig… Surrounded by the fears– you’ve be…
Spirit writing Spirit lighting Spirit saying Spirit playing Spirit walk
Doubted development. Deprived days deemed dire. Damp. Desol… Dithered diversity divides dwellin… Darkness dauntily duping dyna…
I met you on a Tuesday. In the cold section After work. Made your way right to me. Even had on a nice shirt.
Somber sentences tell me I’m wron… Yet the beat of my heart sings a different song. Working for the man Or say the son of Sam.
Blank pages. Inscribed upon by Sages. Proclimations spread far and wide. Movement gets better. Heart as a feather.
Saturn has always been the light b… Venus is the flame The Sun is where you wake up The Moon to know your name Mercury will tell you
The dream of a lifetime Altering timelines Henosis paving the way. Freeing from cages A mission of sages