Where is it you think that I’ve g… The deep end or some place beyond. Seeming a bit more withdrawn listening to different songs.
Seen the way out and I know where… Letting darkness take over– more l… Tip toes on the tarmac– is not the… Surface wounds or cut real deep– b… ~I.S.~
Surround me in all of your greed. Waves already whispered Or in the cards that I read. Eels twinkle in pools of the night… Telling your secrets
When you think your voice doesn’t… they get to tell you who you are When you think your voice doesn’t… they get to tell you what you’ll l… When you think your voice doesn’t…
they look at you with disdain they look at you with lust they look at you with hatred they look at you with trust they think
Public enemy number one. Everywhere I go someone tries to… Sit here, do this, don’t do that,… Critque how I live, my choices an… But sit and line up to watch me ev…
To the limit I push as my brain turns to mush Sacred soliloquies flooding my min… To have this one wish Putting down my fists
The longer I sit the deeper I get. Move the mountain sure no sweat. Ration turned down
Don’t really want to write when I… Or do I? Temper short – should be mission a… Dark waves to consume me but it’s… Finding some balance, get some shi…
If you’ve come to take me Please go right ahead. My mind is playing tricks on me Feeling lost inside my head. I don’t know where I’m going
Take it all in or make your head spin. The time’s lining up with the sign… Focus takes work. Distractions will lurk.
In a world that never stops talkin… Where do you go for solitude... How do you make it where The walls are thin and they wear a… To disguise their true wretched mo…
Magic’s not for Story books It’s here for you and me. Simply open up Your heart
Ok, I got it. Had to think real hard about What I may have wanted. A little spark to revive my heart Sure, let’s get on it.
Create the World Whispers the Girl Lodged in the Rock before Time. Go back to the Curl The Beginner of Worlds